Ready solutions for various activities

Financial Transactions

Journal Entries
Receipt/Payment of Cash, CDC, PDC, & Online transactions.
Bank Deposits and Withdrawl
Suspense Transaction
PDCR Payment
Account to Account

Currency Exchange Transactions

Currency deal between any pair of currencies including Crypto currencies.
Transfer of currencies between account with control for duplicate voucher validation.
Inward Payment Orders
Settlement of Inward Payment Orders
Outward Remittance Orders
Outward Remittance Settlement
Counter currency exchange.
Money service transactions such as transfers thru Western Union


Financial Reports such as Trial
Balance, Profit & Loss & Balance Sheet.
Currency-wise exchange rate Profit & Loss.
Customer-wise exchange rate Profit & Loss.
Statement of Account (Single, Selected Currencies & Multi-Currency)
Outstanding Balance (Single, Selected Currencies, Multiple & Base Currency)
Balance Position showing summarized snapshot of financial position.
Expense Journal
Account Turnover
Cash & Bank Status
Deal Register - listing currency-wise deals with summary of Opening, Buy, Sell & Closing positions.
And more reports for better control over information.

New & Improved Features

Currency Deal (Buy/Sell) - Multiple deals in one voucher.
Account to Account - Multiple entries in one voucher.
Exchange Voucher – to reflect Buy/Sell/Receipt/Payment in one form.
TTR Register for managing TMN Bank A/c and Receipt/Payments.
Import Bank transaction from bank statement and process transfers.
Option to attach supporting documents to each entry in TRQ. Supplimentary option to download/zip/send such attachments to concern customers.
Alert showing account balance exceeding debit limit.
User access control in accounting reports on basis of A/c Group, A/c Code and Currencies.
Option to log a list of Statements and Outstanding reports generated by users.
Telegram Alerts to selected customers when Payment or Remittance is processed.
Option to manage commission charged/paid for different transactions and further distribute the commission among more than one account.
Commission Register to maintain commission percentages agreed with different customers for different types of transactions in different currencies.
Settlement of one Outward Remittance through multiple accounts.
Transaction Approval — Transactions will appear in a/c once approved by authorized personnel.
Two level Payment Approval control for Inward Payments and Outward Remittances
Transaction Reversal – client can choose to reverse transaction instead of deleting.

System Features

VAT Complaint transactions
Cost Centers
Flexible Chart of Account
Codeless Accounting
Alerts for different dues such as Cheques, Payments, Documents etc
Downloading of exchange rates from online resource.
Auto-computation of exchange rates for currency pairs
Comprehensive support for Crypto currencies.
User defined dashboard giving summarized reports.
Multi-language: English, Farsi & Turkish. New languages can be added in future.
Multi-user with comprehensive user-level access control for transaction and reporting options.
Reports output to file formats such as MS Excel & PDF
Attach multiple documents such as IDs, Passport, Trade License with Account Ledger.
Attach multiple supporting documents with transactions.
Control user access through OTP for extra security.
Audit trail for editing/deletion of Masters and Transactions.
Audit trail for Statement & Outstanding reports generated by users.
An option to mark entries in Statement in different colors. These markings can be separate for each user or common for all users.
User access control for selected time and days of the week.
Comprehsive support for transactions with Walk-in Customers.
Document register to keep track of all important documents with their expiry date.
Integrated Cheque printing option in Payment transaction.
Credit & Debit limit control on Customer accounts.

Supplementary Mobile Applications

Companion Application (For client’s own use)

Almost all transactions and reporting options as given in Web Application.
Secured with industry level encryption of data
Reports can be exported to PDF & shared via WhatsApp, Telegram etc.
Complete control over user’s access.

Client App (App for Client’s Customers)

This app will enable your customers to:

View their account balance & statement of account
Check your offered exchange rate
Make a request for Currency buy/Sell, Inward Payment & Outward Remittance
Attach supporting documents with their requests
Receive notification for status of their requested transactions.
All requested transactions will come to a special register for approval by your authorized, after which it will affect your books of accounts.

Financial Accounts

Receipt/Payment of Cash, CDC, PDC, & Online transactions.
Journal Entries
Bank Deposits and Withdrawl
Suspense Transaction
PDCR Payment
Account to Account
Commercial Invoice

Inventory Module

Purchase Order Processing
Purchase Order
Purchase Invoice
Purchase Return

Sales Order Processing
Sales Quotation
Delivery Note
Sales Return

Inter-location Stock Transfer
Issue of Stock to factory
Receipt of Stock from factory
Closing Stock Adjustment
Consignment based sales.
Order based transactions (back-to-back purchase/sales)

Supplimentary Modules

Point of Sale
Letter of Credit
Personnel & Payroll
Fixed Assets


Financial Reports such as Trial Balance, Profit & Loss & Balance Sheet.
Statement of Account (Single, Selected Currencies & Multi-Currency)
Outstanding Balance (Single, Selected Currencies, Multiple & Base Currency)
Expense Journal
Cash & Bank Status
Ageing Statement and Summary
Stock Position
Item’s Cardex
Purchase – Summarised and Detail report by Items & Supplier
Sales – Summarised and Detail report by Items & Customer
Profitability report by Item, Customer, Location, Salesman etc.
And so many more reports...

System Features

VAT Complaint transactions
Cost Centers
Flexible Chart of Account
Codeless Accounting
Alerts for different dues such as Cheques, Payments, Documents etc
User defined dashboard giving summarized reports.
Multi-language: English, Farsi & Turkish. New languages can be added in future.
Multi-user with comprehensive user-level access control for transaction and reporting options.
Reports output to file formats such as MS Excel & PDF
Attach multiple documents such as IDs, Passport, Trade License with Account Ledger.
Attach multiple supporting documents with transactions.
Control user access through OTP for extra security.
Audit trail for editing/deletion of Masters and Transactions.
Audit trail for Statement & Outstanding reports generated by users.
An option to mark entries in Statement in different colors. These markings can be separate for each user or common for all users.
User access control for selected time and days of the week.
Comprehsive support for transactions with Walk-in Customers.
Document register to keep track of all important documents with their expiry date.
Integrated Cheque printing option in Payment transaction.
Credit limit control for Customer and Suppliers
Multiple packing for Items
And list goes on…

Financial Accounts Transactions

Receipt/Payment of Cash, CDC, PDC, & Online transactions.
Journal Entries
Bank Deposits and Withdrawl
Suspense Transaction
PDCR Payment
Account to Account

Gold Trading Module

Gold Deals
Miskal Gold Deal
Direct Purchase
Unfix Purchase
Purchase Fixing
Direct Sales
Unfix Sales
Sales Fixing
Receipt of Gold
Payment of Gold


Financial Reports such as Trial Balance, Profit & Loss & Balance Sheet.
Statement of Account (Single, Selected Currencies & Multi-Currency)
Outstanding Balance (Single, Selected Currencies, Multiple & Base Currency)
Expense Journal
Cash & Bank Status
Gold Stock Position
Purchase summary and detail
Sales summary and detail
Item-wise Cardex (stock movement report)
And so many more reports...

Financial Accounts

Receipt/Payment of Cash, CDC, PDC, & Online transactions.
Journal Entries
Bank Deposits and Withdrawl
Suspense Transaction
Account to Account

Project Management

Project Register with Bill of Quantity
Material Procurement – Requisition, LPO & Delivery
SubContractor’s Agreement and Billing
Labour Payroll

Personnel & Payroll

Employee Register
Document Register
Earning/Deduction Register
Payroll Processing
Leave Register


Financial Reports such as Trial Balance, Profit & Loss & Balance Sheet.
Statement of Account
Outstanding Balance
Expense Journal
Cash & Bank Status
Project Cost Analysis
Project-wise Summary & Detail of Cost
Material Procurement Reports
SubContractor Register Reports
Personnel Register (with document renewal alert)
Payroll Register
And so many more reports...

Financial Accounts

Receipt/Payment of Cash, CDC, PDC, & Online transactions.
Journal Entries
Bank Deposits and Withdrawl
Suspense Transaction
Account to Account

Real Estate Module

Purchase & Sales of Property/Units
Lease Agreement for Property & Units
Payment & Receipts against Lease Agreement
Utility Billing
Tenant Support


Financial Reports such as Trial Balance, Profit & Loss & Balance Sheet.
Statement of Account
Outstanding Balance
Expense Journal
Cash & Bank Status
Lease Renewal Report
Maintenance Reports
Utility Billing & Collections
PDC Payable/Receivable against Purchase/Sales/Lease
And so many more reports...